Monday, November 23, 2009

Government: Threat to the internet!

I just read a descent four part article on 'zdnet' about the government and how they are at odds with the internet. I thought it was a pretty good article, fair and with out rhetoric, but I think the author is missing the point. It is not the governments place to regulate the internet, regardless of what country you live in, it is the governments job to represent its populace!
Now, I know that some will argue that not all governments are democratic or republic in nature, but that is the point, totalitarianism, dictatorships, socialist, progressives, and communists alike should fear the internet! This also applies to governments that are representatives of their populace by design, such as democracies and republics. They should fear the internet, it is the largest form of free speech and ideas in the world. While I do not take much stock in twiter posts, like the author of the afore mentioned article, he does try to make a point about false facts being published and taken as legitimate facts on microblogs like twiter. I just don't know anyone that gets their news from a microblog, do you?
The problem I see with false facts being published is with the major news publications like the 'New York Times', 'USA Today', and the 'Washington Journal'. These publications are claiming that they may need a bail out because they can not cope with declining readership due to the internet, when in fact it is due to their poor reporting and/or their plain lack of reporting on news items. Because of their poor journalism should the government bail them out or create regulations on the internet? I say no, let the free market sort it out on its own.
So, if the government should not intervene then why does the government wish to regulate the internet? I'll tell you why. It is because the government does not care what you think they only care about their special interests that help fund their campains and get them reelected. It's about power! As politicians they have had a taste of power and now they can not let it go. It's like an alcoholic wino asking for spare change on the street, longing for that next drink, do you give him change, no, because you know that he will just buy more wine. So, why do we let the government continue to spend money (i.e. new bills and legislation) and tax us for it? So, what I am trying to say is should the government be afraid of the internet, or should it be afraid of it's people! What do you think, do you agree or disagree, post your comments below.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Hello World!

Hello World!

This is my first 'blogger' post. I have been trying out several different blogging platforms and I am not sure which will make the cut, maybe all, maybe none?! I am new to this blogging thing and I decided it was time to get "My Opinion" out there. This blog will have heavily opinionated posts about everything from open source to politics and I encourage all to opine with their opinions.